What I do
To be honest, most of the content here is for SEO purposes. But if the homepage didn't give you enough detail, then hopefully you'll find your answers here.
I'm very concious that there's lots of empty sections. I'll get them updated soon (I hope).
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Google Analytics
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data."
Arthur Conan Doyle
I love this quote, it will save you a lot of time and money.
GA provides a critical service that many companies use. The problem is, Google Analytics is often set up incorrectly.
Having data is one thing, but clean, accurate data is what you need to be analysing effectively.
I imagine you don't want to make decisions based on internal employee traffic, thinking they're actually your potential customers.
Google Tag Manager
Conversion audit
User Testing/Research
A/B Testing
KPI Reporting
Who I've worked with
Sorry, it's time for client name-dropping. Don't hate me, you'd do it to.
- Nails inc.
- Manchester City Football Club
- London's Air Ambulance Service
- To Tuscany
- Rickshaw Travel
- Art Republic
- Black Tomato
- English Studio
- Travel Nation
Charities I support
Go on, get involved.